Protective Factor: Opportunities to Belong

In a world that values being unique and independent I think it’s easy to forget sometimes that though we are all different in our own ways, we are much more alike than we are different. One of the ways that most all humans are alike is that they thrive when connected....

Risk Factor: Favorable Attitudes Towards Drugs

Summer is finally upon us! The end of the school year always brings lots of fun and exciting activities for households with school-aged youth. Summertime is such a great time for families to spend time together and enjoy the nice weather and outdoor activities....

Protective Factor: Healthy Physical Development

As we have discussed in previous blog posts protective factors present in a child’s life are proven to reduce the risk of youth substance use. Today’s protective factor is healthy physical development. Think back for a moment to when your child was first born. You may...

Becoming Independent

Today we are going to discuss becoming independent. We know that becoming independent is a part of growing up that can often cause stress and friction between families. As youth get older they often crave independence and it is oftentimes a struggle for caregivers to...

Risk Factor: Early Substance Use

Early Substance Use is a Risk Factor for youth substance use. The younger a youth is when they begin using substances the more at risk they are from continuing to use or having issues with substance use as they grow older. It is important to note that while the use of...

Protective Factor: Recognition for Positive Behavior

Tis’ the season for hearts and kisses, chocolates and flowers, romance and love. Regardless of your feelings towards the quickly approaching Valentine’s Day, this is a time we are reminded of one of our most basic human desires, love. Where does love fit in with drug...