Risk Factor: Attending College

College. Many of the youth I work with associate this word with one thing, FREEDOM. It may not come as a surprise to you that attending college is a risk factor for youth substance use. Of course, there are obvious reasons like the lack of adult supervision and...

Protective Factor: Extended Family Support

This month’s protective factor is extended family support. I’m sure you’ve heard the term “it takes a village” to raise kids, and if you’ve been a parent for very long you know this is absolutely true. However, when it comes to that “village” some families are more...

Protective Factor: School Attendance

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday season, and have many great hopes and aspirations for theNew Year. The winter months are always a wonderful time to celebrate with family, and unfortunatelyalso a great time to share all the illnesses floating around during...

Risk Factor: Lack of Adult Supervision

I hope this post finds you and your family well during this holiday season. We are going to focus on a Risk Factor for substance use today, and that risk factor is the lack of adult supervision. Just to recap, a risk factor is a factor present in a youth’s life that...

Protective Factor: Making Friends with Peers

Friends. Sometimes we are closer to our friends than our family, and sometimes we have friends that become family! Friends can provide companionship, guidance, fun, and meaningful relationships. It is important for us to recognize that friends play an important and...